People often ask me what made me get into the matchmaking business after being a social worker for over 12 years. Well, I am one of those people obsessed with helping singles find love. I never felt it was fair for someone to be along if they didn’t want to be alone. I actually felt it was my calling to set friends and acquaintances up. I actually was pretty good at this hobby. In fact, in my spare time, I had quite a few marriages under my belt. So when I thought of transitioning to a career of matchmaking, it seemed like such a natural fit. And the fact that I could actually get paid to do something I was so passionate about was one of the most amazing concepts to me. You mean I could get paid to talk about love all day??? Sign me up!!
Matchmaking is one of the most social, fun, and rewarding careers you could have. It is mysterious yet exciting. At every party, you are the bell of the ball; people always want to know what the life of a matchmaker is like. It combines a little dash of networking, a pinch of social work, and a whole cup of playing cupid. It is the perfect career – stimulating, never boring, and now, finally, recognized as a legitimate and respectable field. Matchmaking is one of the best careers for those who enjoy a flexible schedule, the ability to work from home, high earning potential, independence and, most importantly, a fulfilling and rewarding profession of your own to be proud of.
Lisa Clampitt, LMSW-cofounder of Matchmaking Pro and President of VIP Life