Business Strategy Assessment & Certification
Only For Matchmakers With More than 5 Years of Active Matchmaking Experience
Boost your business credibility by signing up for the most in-demand certification for experienced Matchmakers!
As an established Institute in the dating industry for almost 2 decades and certifying more than 2,500 matchmakers, we’ve come across numerous types of business models. As a result, we have insights and guidelines on what will make a matchmaking business strive versus what will not work.
In this niche market, perhaps you have experienced one or all of the following:
Instead of spending thousands of dollars and 12-weeks on the Matchmaker certification course, we have specially designed a fuss-free and time-saving way to help you achieve your business goals!
The Business Strategy Assessment & Certification
Get certified within 3-working-days by following these 3 easy steps:
Step 1: Register and pay US$495.00 (That’s almost 85% savings!)
Step 2: Download the business plan form and email it to us for review
Step 3: Sign the Code of Ethics and Network
You’ll receive the digital certification and seal via email within 48 – 72 hours!
Enjoy These Additional Benefits:
Start Today!
You’ll receive, attached to an email, the digital certificate and seal in the next 48 – 72 working hours!